Our Yoga Philosophy

Alex has completed 500 hours YTT and prenatal Yoga training under Anand Mehrotra of Sattva Yoga Academy in RIshikesh, India.

With its roots in the timeless Vedantic and Tantric Traditions, Sattva Yoga was developed in the Himalayas after years of study and research. Sattva academy encourages an integrative approach to Yoga and the teachings incorporate both ancient and contemporary practices for personal evolution, backed by science and mind-body research.

The Sattva Yoga path offers a unique and potent practice that includes physical postures (Hatha, Vinyasa flows and principles of Cosmic Alignment), powerful breathwork techniques, Kundalini kriyas coming from the Tantric tradition, Naad Practices (the use of sound as a tool for transformation and healing), Meditation technique, chanting, freedom movement and wisdom.

These practices are designed to awaken each practitioner to their true nature. They increase strength, build vitality and create mental clarity. They help raise our consciousness and enable us to live a life full of joy and possibility. Sattva Yoga is a practice of opening mind and heart to the brilliance of life and offers you tools and techniques to address and transform all layers of the human body.

Sattva Yoga is the experiencing and sharing of liberation and freedom on every level of our existence.

“ Being guided by Alex was unlike any other class that I have taken. She creates a beautiful infusion of the mind, body and spirit through her intuitive and deeply grounding practice”

- Alysia